Air Handling Units: Working, Types and More

An air handling unit (or AHU) is an equipment used for ensuring good quality air circulation in various places such as buildings, offices, healthcare centres, and other industrial places. The air handling units are responsible for the ventilation, humidity, heating and room temperature in the areas. They take recycled air to give fresh air in return.

In hospital premises, supplying fresh air is essential and thus, air handling units are a must. They are used for providing air especially in rooms like operation theatres, and ICUs.

Working of Air Handling Unit

These units made by the air handling unit manufacturers are connected with duct pipelines which are responsible for the air conditioning of the hospital. These air handling units have a metal structure which contains numerous different ventilators which perform different tasks for supplying fresh air.

They mainly take the outside air and work on it by changing its coolness, cleanliness, temperature or humidity and give clean air in return. The major components of Air handling units are filters, housing, fan, cooling coil, humidifiers, and mixing box.

Types of Air Handling Units

There are mainly two types of Air handling units which are Blow Through and Draw Through AHUs. The main difference is on the basis of how they work with air. The draw through unit, pulls the air and filters it before passing through the ducts. While the blow through unit blows away the air before passing through the ducts.

Let's Sum Up

Today we discussed an interesting equipment which is used for recycling air and providing fresh air from it. This equipment is known as the Air Handling Unit. Its basic function is to manage the humidity, cooling, heating, and cleaning of the air and reuse it. There are basically two categories in them: Blow through AHU, and Draw Through AHU. These are most commonly used in healthcare centres like hospitals, clinics.

If you are looking for air handling units or vinyl flooring for your hospitals, connect with Modular Hospitech. We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of hospital equipment in India.


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